" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: Pittsburgh round trip and what a trip it was!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Pittsburgh round trip and what a trip it was!

I had a film audition yesterday in Pittsburgh with a Casting Director.  The role was a physics teacher.  That was red flag number 1.  When I saw the sides blown up (not on my cell phone), I saw that there was a direction that referred to the physics teacher as "he".  That was red flag number 2. Then I saw two older women who looked like they could actually be teachers aka red flag number 3.  I had my lines memorized and was ready to knock it out of the park. Here was my thinking.  I've been acting on camera quite a bit lately so I should be pretty decent by now.  Maybe the fact that I don't look the part won't matter at all because I'll act it so well.  Then I thought, what would Meryl do?  So, I let all of those other flags go and I went into the auditioning room. I said the whopping 3 lines and the casting director gave me direction.  That's pretty typical but in this case she gave me direction on each of the 3 lines, including body position, volume, and overall attitude.  She was micro directing.  Usually I take that as a challenge to do every single thing asked of me and knock it out of the park.  However, yesterday, I barely bunted the ball.  Sheesh, I stunk up the joint!  I couldn't remember the 6 things she told me plus the 3 lines all while keeping the thought that I was completely wrong for the role out of my mind.  This, by the way, is not a complaint.  It's just an observation.  I sucked.  I was substandard.  What was that smell?  It was ME, Nancy T!  lololololol... clearly it's not bothering me but it was hilarious.

Then, I went to see my agent in Pittsburgh.  They are in the same building so I could put up one of my new flyers designed by Terri Negron, my web designer.  I walked into the agency and one of the agents, whom I've never met, treated me like a red headed step child.  She was not nice at all.  All I wanted to do was hang a flyer on their bulletin board.  She acted like I was a stranger off the street trying to be a model.  Instead of allowing me to hang the flyer she said she'd give it to my agent, Kelly.  I didn't want to bother Kelly and that was not my intention so I left and called Kelly on the phone.  Kelly did not take the call though but instead, Deb Docherty talked to me!  She is the owner of the agency.  I was trying not to bother Kelly and wanted to quickly explain what was up and now I was bothering the owner.  Wanna know why that happened?  It happened because Mercury is in retrograde and communication can get zany during that time.

Guess what else happened.  After a long day of driving and a trip to Pittburgh that was the pits, I wanted Indian food.  I ordered it and went to scoop it up.  I used my atm card and the girl said it was declined.  That was impossible because I finally got paid from one of my gigs and I know the money is in the account so what was up with that?  I decided to just not eat and began walking away when the sweet girl said, "Here, you can just take it.  We're not going to eat it. Don't worry about it.  Our machine has done this to other people too."  She gave me 17.50 worth of Indian food for nothing!  I told her I couldn't take it but she insisted.  Isn't that sweet?  I just loved that girl.  I'm going to have to go back there and find a way to tip her a ton of money.  What a sweetie pie.  That was also super nice because after my trip of a trip, I really wanted to eat the food I was craving.

So, that's story from yesterday.  Lots of craziness, some planetary activity and a full tummy.  Overall, another great day!


Terri said...

3rd time is a charm. Thanks to the sweet gal at the Indian food place. Nice. :)