" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: G is for gasp

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

G is for gasp

If you've been keeping up, you know I've jumped from The Bridges of Madison County to an animated feature to a Prime selection but it looks like the jumping hasn't finished yet. My actor for the G scene in Prime has changed her mind. I understand why and am glad she let me know but finding a woman who looks mid to late 30s and can act is really difficult.  To be perfectly honest, the scene is meant to be very uncomfortable and some of the language is a bit racy.  My character is a therapist who counsels her patient to date a younger man. Unfortunately, just prior to this scene she figures out that the younger man is her son!  Now when her patient comes to therapy it is the therapist that needs the help. The patient is very forthcoming about intimate details of her relationship. In fact, she's way too forthcoming. The scene is hilarious but only works as written.

So do I find another actor to play the role?  Do I go back to animation?  Do I put off the G scene and do a double header at the end of the month?  Oh my gosh!  G is definitely for go figure. What else could Go wrong?  Its a Gigantic mess!


Terri said...


Ok, be patient.. Mercury retrograde is about to go direct today, the 11th. Things will normalize more and that anticipated G scene will happen.
May the force be with you.