" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: Solution? Nah, break time

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Solution? Nah, break time

While I sit and wait for the effects of Mercury finally going direct, the only decision I've made is to do nothing.  I put one reach out to a woman I know who is the right age and perfect physical description of the character for the G scene and I've not heard back yet.  So, what will I do now?  Um, I'm thinking hulu.  Are you familiar?  Hulu is the website that allows you to watch some of your favorite TV shows at a computer!  Why the commercial for hulu?  Well, because I'm a bit drained right now.

I have my actor for the H scene, the script is sent and I even have a location.  How can I be so together and one letter ahead of myself and have such a load of crap for the G scene?  Well, it is what it is.  Don't you love when people say that?  What the hell does that mean anyway?  What is what what is?  Huh?  I think the bottom line is that I have no answers and that's OK with me.  Something will happen and I will do a scene from an animated film or Prime or I will just watch Hulu and wish that I had vanilla ice cream with m&m's in it.

It'll all be fine. It always is.