" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: The Gosh Darn Decision on the G scene!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Gosh Darn Decision on the G scene!

I'm doing animation.  The movie is The Fantastic Mr. Fox.  The actor working opposite me is Mike Kraft.  Tomorrow, we will record at The Reel Thing.  Devon will put the final touches on the scene like credits etc.  I will then breathe a sigh of relief.  Those are the facts.  No beating around the bush with me today.  I'm so glad to be decided and to put the tough spot that the G scene had me in, behind me.  There I said it.  Take that. 

The H scene is shaping up nicely.  I think we've got a location.  I definitely have an actor.  We have to confirm the shoot date and it's a go, can't wait!


Jay said...

YAY! I'm excited.