" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: Internet woes and other news

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Internet woes and other news

So, after discovering that I can merely take a short trek across the parking lot for free WIFI, it does have it's down sides.  First, there's the guy who is behind me right now.  Seriously, did he have to sit THERE?  If you could see this room, it's huge, you would also wonder.  That's his favorite spot.  I've seen him there before but right now I was here first and the room is otherwise empty.  If he can look over my shoulder and read this I say to him, WTH are you doing behind me?  Go find somewhere else to sit!  You're cramping my style and for Pete's sake, get a Kleenex ... clearly you have a runny nose!  There, I said it.

I also hate AT&T.  I signed up with them because my sister, Lori works for them (sniff in background and a HUGE sneeze.  The guy is germ infested) but they have been the bane of my existence ever since. They have screwed up at every turn.  Here's my fear and I've expressed this to many friends.  Someday I will be on Letterman and instead of him showing some commercial I shot from years ago, he will play a "recorded for archive purposes" phone call to any one of my utilities.  On this phone call the audience will hear a Nancy T like they've never heard before.  They will see my demise.  There will be the first 5 offenses where the CS agent was a complete moron and then there will be my monologue.  It's not a pretty monologue and there may be some name calling, I'm just sayin.  Yep, that's my fear.  Will that stop me from going on Letterman?  Nope, but I will be prepared to have the phone call played and realize that as the result of my phone call going public my dating life will come to a complete halt.

Last night I met with Joe Miller, a fabulous writer and Marketing expert. I explained to him that (sheesh, now there are people in here discussing remodeling in the background and totally distracting me but dude has stopped sniffing, guess he's just going to let it drip down his face!) I'm going to see a PR person this week and I wanted (oh there it is, huge snort ... he's killing me) be able to give her well written materials about my project.  He had lots of great ideas (loud talking, crazy sniffing, not going to be able to take this much longer) so to Joe I say thanks and I look forward to implementing his marketing plans.

I'm ready and willing to do most any promotion that anyone can imagine, that is if I don't kill someone first.  Bye (sniff sniff ... I will not be catching his cooties!)