" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: The Double Feature is my Teacher!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Double Feature is my Teacher!

Today is the big day.  Two scenes for the free price of one.  That's right, it costs you nothing but a moment of your time.  See The River Wild and She Devil NOW... go, go go go go... OK, I need more rest.

You know what I love about these two scenes?  They're so completely different.  The whole point of this project is to portray many characters ... be many people ... learn many accents ... and all the rest.  These scenes show that to a tee.

The River Wild is more of a suspense adventure type scene and then She Devil is another comedy.  I love transforming for each scene and looking completely different.  The River Wild has me looking like sporty spice, not so much a complete transformation but definitely not the way you ever would see me dressed outside of a gym.  Then there's She Devil.  Me in a dress?  Yep, it happens all the time but blonde, fake nails, plastic looking... gosh I hope not.

So just the looks alone are contrasting and the vibes of the scene are so different. Do me this one favor, if you like the scenes or better yet LOVE the scenes, could you email them to Meryl Streep?  What?  You don't have her email address?  Are you kidding me?  Sheesh.  OK, then just send them to your friends, family, insurance agent, and bookie,  K?  Sound good?  I'm gonna take a break now. If you need me I'll be googling Meryl Streep's email address.