" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: On a Meryl Streep Learning Curve

Monday, November 1, 2010

On a Meryl Streep Learning Curve

I just finished reading the book, "The Story of Meryl Streep" which is so outdated it should be called The Sto of Mer ... but what can you say, it was written in the 80's.  In fact, all books I've found on Meryl were written then, shortly after her two Oscar wins and long before her many Oscar nominations.

Here's what I learned.  She missed the subway because she liked to people watch ... you know character study.  She cherished her privacy.  Family was of utmost importance to her.  She could be viewed as difficult to work with because of her perfectionism.  She preferred anonymity to celebrity way back then. 

How much of that has changed for Meryl?  From what I've observed, not too much except maybe the subway part.  I think she's pretty ok with taking a cab or a private car.  As for me, maybe (despite my thoughts to the contrary), waiting until now to bust out of my shell and make it big, is great timing.  I'm nearly done raising my daughter ... she's very old.  I'm done with the crazy dating days, which doesn't mean I don't date but maybe things have calmed down a bit.  I have had the luxury of working on camera, in front of the mic and on stage all while enjoying the great actor pass time of people watching.  OK, so I guess what I'm saying is, I'm ready for my closeup Mr. DeMille.

Speaking of closeups, I just landed an awesome makeup artist for my character, Mary Fisher, from She Devil.  She will do a tremendous job!  Much thanks to Dresden who suggested her.  Meanwhile, as I continue to wait for the rough cut of The River Wild, maybe you could go to my youtube channel and pass along my link to everyone you know. Might as well keep those hits coming while I'm still unknown enough to walk the streets ;-)


Anonymous said...

Well, when Meryl gets in touch with you and invites you over for lunch, you two will become best buds.

Then you can write your own book about her. Best of luck with your project!
