" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: This is No Time to be Low on Energy

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

This is No Time to be Low on Energy

Thursday we will shoot the T scene aka HearTburn.  Jay is shooting the scene and Jeremy is all ready.  I just saw the location and it is once again, perfection.  Woodie Anderson, whom I often thank for his light kit, has offered us a great location.  In the movie, the couple have recently moved into their home so they are mid renovation in the scene.  Well, the location doesn't look like it's being renovated but I did spy some boxes so the just moved in look will be easily achieved.  Yay!  Thanks, Woodie.

The word is out to Larry Nehring who will be playing opposite me in the U scene aka French LieUtenant's Woman.  Jay is also shooting that scene and has agreed to shoot the one location and period portion of the scene in black and white!  Won't that be awesome?  The scene has two parts and one of the parts is a flashback that will be perfect in black and white.

Boy, I use the word perfect a lot, don't I?   I guess that just means I have no complaints.  Speaking of complaining, Cassie cracked me up the other day.  She said she was going to complain with a smile from now on so if she hit her knee, she would grin widely and say, "Gosh, my knee hurts and I LOVE it"  I was laughing my arse off.  That kid is funny.  She should do stand up.

Back to my low energy.  Well, I came to The Reel Thing today just so I wouldn't slip into any couch comas or film watching sprees.  I figure this is a great way to get me to work on stuff.  Friday night I will shoot for Volkswagen and then Sunday I have another full day of shooting for them.  I love work.  I really love having work in my future.  Let's keep it that way.  Hey, I've got a new, exciting idea.  How about Meryl Streep calls me and says she would love to work with me on her next 3 films and she has meaty, supporting roles for me in them?  Is that a new one?  Maybe it's an oldie but it's a goodie.