" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: New Years Eve

Friday, December 31, 2010

New Years Eve

Today is the last day of 2010.  Not so long ago my friend and costar of the J scene, Jennifer Enskat, said, "it's the year of Nancy T" and I truly felt that way.  When you look at the long list of crew members and talent who have worked with me, it sure was something, wasn't it?

So what will 2011 bring?  The grand finale of A to Z with Meryl and Me and no doubt, a long marketing strategy to use these scenes as a product to sell and get more work.  No, I won't be getting a "real job" and no, I won't abandon my continuing path towards film, tv and work in the industry I love so much.  Will I move away?  Maybe at some point.  Will I find different ways to contact people and show them my stuff?  Definitely!  Will Meryl Streep land me a role in one of her upcoming films?  We'll see.

Meanwhile, I must look forward, not back and keep on keepin' on.  It'll all be fine.  I'm good.  I'm healthy.  I'm just sitting in my office blogging to you.  That's the truth. Oh and happy new year to you all.