" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: Timely Words from a Friend

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Timely Words from a Friend

Last night I went to see "Jonny and His Dad" play at Jonathan's birthday party.  I was so proud of them.  Performing in front of a large crowd can be unnerving but it's even more so when you know every face in the crowd!  They did wonderfully and the party was a success.

As I was at the party, I got to speak with a sweet woman named Susan.  She has been watching A to Z this whole time and was very complimentary about my performances and dedication.  I said, "I can't believe I'm all the way to letter Z".  Her response was, "Turn that around.  You believe, you believe, you believe!  Put all of your focus on Meryl contacting you, not the outcome, but just that one event and see if that makes a shift for you."  I'm not sure if she's been reading my blog or if she could just feel my energy but those were words I needed to hear.  Isn't it amazing how just the right person says the right thing at the perfect time?  Happens to me often. 

I do still have much to decide about the last 6 letters of the alphabet but taking the outcome off my plate is a big gift.  I've heard this before but it's all about timing and phrasing, you know?  So I have to figure out what I will do for the U scene while Jay happens to be in town and ready to shoot it.  I am seriously thinking of another original one like the M scene.  Now I have to figure out what it will be about. I've been tossing around some ideas.  Meanwhile, I do know what I'm doing for the V scene so that's kind of refreshing.

I hope you have a peaceful day today and everyday.  I'm going to put myself back on the right track now and stop all that fretting!