" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: 12 hours of sleep later, I think I'm ready for my nap

Friday, January 14, 2011

12 hours of sleep later, I think I'm ready for my nap

As you know, I was up alllllllllllllllllllllllllll NIGHT doing the edit for Marvin's Room.  I also then had to shoot Silkwood the very next day or would that be the same day ... oh heck, I still don't know.  Well, here were my options. I could go home and sleep for 2 hours ... I said TWO ... I mean 2 hours is good for a NAP and only if I've already slept 8 hours the night before but what can I do with 2 hours?  I'll tell you what I did ... STAYED awake.  Yep, I knew better than to try to scam those two hours of sleep.  I would have been a zombie had I done that.  You know how sometimes you take a nap in the middle of the day and it feels like you've awakened from a coma?  I couldn't risk it.  So what was my bedtime?  Um, approx 4:40 PM.  I slept for about 5 hours on the couch and then went to bed for only 12 hours total.  I'm disappointed. I know I have more in me but today I have an audition and I either need to have it memorized or throw it on ear prompter so that means I had to get up to find my ear prompter.  You don't actually think I'm going to memorize anything do you?  I've been memorizing scripts the last two days.  I wish I could say I have all the A to Z scripts locked down before I arrive to a shoot but truth be told, with all the preparation that's one of the last hurdles I jump. 

After my 11:00 audition, I have to edit the Silkwood scene.  If all goes right, all the footage will already by loaded by the time we start so I don't have to be a part of the 2 hours that takes and we'll be off and running, er walking very slowly.  The Silkwood shoot went nicely though.  It was a quick 2 hours, maybe even less.  Larry Nehring was kind enough to let us use his digs and Mike Misiak and Bobby Thomas were there for me.  They did wonderful acting jobs.  I loved working with them.  One day I'll be coherent enough to remember it.  So, if you're reading, please wish me a fast edit and lots of sleep tonight.

BTW, today is very significant because it's ONE month before the end of A to Z.  Only 30 days to go.  Can she do it?  I don't know.  Meryl Streep did all of these scenes plus the whole rest of each of these movies so I would think I could at least do 3 more with a snap of two very tired couple of fingers. X, Y, Z here I come!


Anonymous said...

I have a similar situation. Can be discussed.
