" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: Woke up at 10:45 AM

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Woke up at 10:45 AM

Yesterday was quite a day. I had an audition and then Jay and I worked on the edit for Silkwood.  The sleep update is this ... yesterday, no nap, bedtime, 2 AM, awake at 10:45 AM ... I'm coming back strong.  Pretty soon I will be all caught up in my sleep bank.  A few more naps and thought oughtta do it.

About Silkwood, this scene meant a lot to me.  They all do for different reasons but in this case, I once again was playing someone real.  I take more care with those characters because there is a wrong way to do it.  So far I've played Susan Orlean, Lindy Chamberlain, Carrie Fisher and Nora Ephron and I was able to actually contact and hear from Susan Orlean.  I sent a message to Lindy and never heard back.  With Carrie, I just did my research and didn't even attempt to hear from her.  Nora is one of my idols so I read her books, and listened to every director commentary or interview I could get my hands on but would love to have had access to her to ask her questions.  Still, with each woman, I studied.  I read all I could get my eyes on, found interviews with them and studied in depth the directors/writers of each of the films so I could determine an interpretation versus a reality about each woman.  With that said, I've been reading, watching, absorbing all I can about Karen Silkwood since very early on in A to Z.  From week one or two, I have watched documentaries and searched for clues about who Karen was as a woman.  I have seen so many testimonies including her family and friends that gave me insights to the woman who was more than just a mother, sister, daughter, she was a union activist who ultimately put her own life on the line.

It is so important to me that the scene I show you is NOT in any way an injustice to Karen's memory.  If I had to take poetic license with the location, that is fine but taking liberties with who she really was as a woman, was not an option for me.  In the end, after seeing what Jay crafted together so nicely, I think I did it.  I think I captured her passion, her strength, her resolve and I'm proud of the work of each person involved in an all too powerful scene.  I'm not going to show it just yet because I want Marvin's Room to get the attention it deserves but very soon, you will learn more about Karen Silkwood and I'll be proud to show you.


Terri said...

Awesome. can't wait to see Silkwood.