" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: 5:30 in the what?

Saturday, February 12, 2011

5:30 in the what?

I woke up an hour ago ... 4:30 AM.  Need I say more?  I started thinking about the fact that I haven't decided on my costume or wig or shoes for my last shoot.  I realized I have to still make one of the props and work on the script and BAM I was up for the long haul.  I should be resting so I can knock this one out of the park but I'm just so wide awake.

Last nights edit was wonderful.  Mike Salemi is a professional, thorough and very conscientious editor.  As a client you couldn't ask for a better collaborator.  He has edited it me before but like in most cases with editors that means that he might be familiar with my face but we had never met.  Chuck Chubbuck works with Mike a lot and highly recommended him.  I can certainly see why.  I'm so excited about the scene and while I"m at it, Adam White shot it and when he said after just a couple of takes that we had what we needed, he was right.  We really did have exactly what we needed.  The scene looks like two people madly in love and it's a very touching rendition of this part of the movie.  I'm proud of it already.

So the pressure is on ... the last scene has to be good too!  I'm not saying I think that every scene has been great but I certainly don't want to go out with a fizzle.  So cheers to a good shoot and to a warm meal following it all when I can breathe a sigh of relief and say Bon Appetit.