" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: Double duty on the posts lately

Friday, February 11, 2011

Double duty on the posts lately

I guess there's just more to say than ever.  I still have many thanks to write and they will be coming your way so after Valentine's Day please stick with me some more.

Today we edited the y scene, aka Bridges of Madison County.  Adam White shot it and Mike Salemi edited it.  They both did awesome work.  I think it's a good one.  Chuck Kartali's performance is tremendous and unlike the many stage performances of his that can only live in one's memory, this scene will be posted for all to watch and rewatch.  To see him in this performance will impress you.  He's an exquisite actor.

Tomorrow we shoot the Z scene ... you know, the surprise one.  I had to get a new shooter and editor because scheduling was getting too crazy. So, now I will be adding another new face to the A to Z crew roster.  His name is Beau Roberts and I cannot wait to work with him.  He already said he has some ideas of how to shoot the scene and that just makes me feel great. It will be nice to do something creative that's planned.  There's way more to this story but I'll have to share that another day.

The highlight of my day was when I went to my mailbox and found 3 Valentine's Day cards.  They were not from my Valentiner's but instead from A to Zers.  WOW.  I cried.  Really, I did.  It was so touching and it was nice to learn that people outside of my innermost circle actually realize the fact that Valentine's Day is the day of completion for my love project.  Thank you to all who are aware of it and celebrating along with me.  And to anyone trying to reach me, I will be more available AFTER Monday.


Terri said...

Wow Nancy! That is awesome! 3 Valentine cards! I love it!