" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: Where's my ribbon?

Monday, February 7, 2011

Where's my ribbon?

I'm trying to tie this puppy up and as usual a few items are missing.  No worries though, I've got a new found energy and it's going to be a wonderful finish, no matter what.

I'm already starting to think about future endeavors.  I'm clear on a few items after having a wonderful conversation with Jimmy, my next project will be funded.  It will still have me acting.  It will involve the best of the best.  It will not have a crazy deadline so less pressure.  I will produce it myself ... hey, I mean after all of this I have learned some things right?  It will be original ... no one else's already produced script, no star to emulate, just me creating a character.  At this time, that is all I know but I think that's a lot, don't you?