" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: More Affirmations

Monday, March 7, 2011

More Affirmations

If we sit still and listen most of the time the answers will come to us. I do believe in signs.  I do think that if I try something from all angles and it does not work that it's a message from God or the universe if you prefer, that it isn't meant to be.  With that said, every time I skate outside of what I LOVE and know that I love to do, I find myself dissatisfied, frustrated, bored, uninterested, and to some extent, disgusted.  I appreciate that I have work and that I have cash flow.  I do not love managing people.  I continue to impose my own work ethic on others and frankly, most peeps don't roll the way I do.

Here's the thing.  If I call you for work and you're busy, I can understand.  BUT if you know that the task I'm requesting is beyond your means, tell me immediately so I can replace you.  If you're so busy that you cannot call, email, text or send carrier pigeon or if my money is no good to you, then please state that up front.  No hard feelings will be had by me and we can move on while I still respect you.

During A to Z, I sometimes ran into folks whose schedules did not mesh with mine or in one case, a person who was not in the position to do gratis work.  What I loved about those seemingly less than perfect situations were the people who UP FRONT gave me their schedules, conflicts or reservations.  Then it was up to me to decide how I would handle it.  In  most cases because they were so on it I worked completely around them.  I can be very accommodating but if people had reservations about the role or the lack of money I would say thanks for the honesty and be on my merry way. You see they didn't cause me any distress whatsoever.  Hearing no isn't as bad as you might think when it's said in a timely fashion.

So now due to the late decision by the client, I have to scramble to get my team in action.  Of course, this is the time where they are too busy and now I'm on 4 out of 5 nights with crappy sleep.  I thought hiring professionals, experts, support would make things better but for the most part it hasn't. 

Meryl Streep does not have these sorts of issues or maybe she does. Come to think of it, she hasn't answered any of my questions or returned any phone calls or even sent a text ... bitch. lololol... couldn't resist.