" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: wow... holy headache batman!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

wow... holy headache batman!

I have been absent here lately.  Reason is I'm completely swamped with the new producing gig.  Things are changing daily and I'm just trying to make it all work.  I have a staff of 10 total and I have to say I don't prefer to be the boss.  I like being a member of a team and that's what I'm used to but having to question why people don't do what they're asked to do or where they're getting their math or having to say no in general is what I'm in the position to do so I shall.

I am still gathering the info for the Y thanks and then once I write that and the Z, that will be the end of my blog for now.  Not until I have a very big career change, will I need to write daily again.  Wow, read that last sentence.  Do I need a break or what?

No break this week though.  I travel to Indiana this Wednesday for a shoot that will be Thursday, Friday and part of Saturday.  Then we drive home for 5 hours and do the drop offs of the crew and the rental car.  At that point, I think I may opt to sleep through Easter Sunday and come back fresh on Monday.  I then have to get the music and edit all together and be ready to deliver the final product by the 27th.  Sound doable?  Not to me either.  Wish me luck.  This could explain the headache I have right now.  Oh and Cassie will be with me for the shoots so she'll be on set assisting. I keep forcing her into this business whether she wants to or not ... I really want her to have her own thing but until she does ... lights, camera, Cassie!