" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: Have you seen her? Tell me have you seen her?

Friday, August 27, 2010

Have you seen her? Tell me have you seen her?

Great news, my peeps! My M scene, starring Meryl Streep herself and moi, has over 300 hits and it was posted at 10:30 am EST which means that's in less than 24 hours!!! That is the most hits ever for any release of mine. The trailer went over 100 in that amount of time and before that the A scene did right around 100 in that amount of time. Oh nooooo, can you see where this is heading? I'm about to go all calculations on you! I literally keep a piece of paper next to my computer that says the number of hits on all of my scenes so I can see which ones are getting views and discover other statistical data. What does that all mean? I see yesterday's numbers and then I update with today's and if any of them are higher, I say, YEAAAAAA! That's what it means.

I wrote to the Ellen Degeneres show. As you know, I WANT TO GO ON THERE. I told her exactly what I want to happen including the part where she actually orchestrates my introduction to Meryl. I included the M scene since she can relate to the interview style approach and I gave her links to my world and the other scenes. Gosh, I'd like to hear from them.

I received a press release from my Liz, PR. She needs me to get quotes from the masses for a local release. That will be great and by the end of today, I will have those quotes to her but can we all say it together??? West or East coast please! Those are the industry folks and I'm ready to be seen by them! So, without being pushy, I'm going to ask Liz to put more focus there.

That's it for now. I'm a bit tired from all of the addition. Oh, wait, one more thing ... I got accepted on Kickstarter.com which means that A to Z could potentially get funded but now I have to promote it. Please take my kickstarter link, http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/AtoZwithMerylandMe/a-to-z-with-meryl-and-me-one-actress-from-clevelan and pass it along to everyone in your email list, or at least 10 of them, k? Maybe they'll tell two friends and they'll tell two friends and so on and so on and so on... who can forget that commercial? I hope to be as memorable as that old TV ad someday.