" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: I HEARD FROM YOUTUBE... Really!!!

Sunday, August 29, 2010


First let me say that two days ago I went to bed and the hits on the M scene were at 359, not bad for the small amount of time it had been available.  Yesterday I awoke to 359 hits.  Perhaps you could tell from my post that I was disappointed. Truth be told, the number of hits is my barometer to measure interest, right?  When my perception is that everyone has LOST interest, I'm disturbed.  Yet, I did know something was up because on my facebook page, since I've been posting my link ad nauseum, my facebook friends shared the link too ... 181 of them to be exact!  With that said, it made no sense that last night, there were still only 359 hits.  I was sure there was a problem.  So today I logged on to youtube and saw 609 hits and then just minutes later, 618 hits!  I was RIGHT... I knew it.

Now to my youtube news.  They sent me an email.  Here's exactly what they wrote:
Your video Best Meryl Streep Interview EVER! might be eligible for the YouTube Partnership Program, which allows you to make money from playbacks of your video.

Making money from your video is easy. Here's how it works: First sign into your YouTube account. Then, review and complete the steps outlined here:http://www.youtube.com/ivp?v=HjrDpOXx_7E.
If your video is approved, we'll start placing ads next to the video and pay you a share of the revenue as long as you meet the program requirements.

We look forward to adding your video to the YouTube Partnership Program.
Thanks and good luck!
The YouTube Team

I immediately looked into it and I may be violating copyright laws left and right BUT I'm still completely encouraged.   My one and only concern is that I'll get my hopes way too high and they will reject my video because it DOES fall into the copyright infringement category and I will be oh so disappointed.  I need someone else to do all the research and find out if there's a loophole I'm missing and then help me proceed.  That's asking a lot I know but if I had to get permission from the bazillion clips of Meryl that I used for the M scene, I think I might be completely worn out.  Well, we'll see.  If I were to go back to all of my videos and consider copyright I think only the ones I made of myself alone and my kickstarter would be eligible but THOSE aren't the ones getting the hits.  You see my dilemma.

Let's just focus on the positive right now.  This email IS what I've been waiting for, amongst other things and it's just the first of many possibilities!


Terri said...

Hey Nancy, I briefly looked into copyright info via youtube and saw
Some examples of potentially infringing content are:

* TV shows
Including sitcoms, sports broadcasts, news broadcasts, comedy shows, cartoons, dramas, etc.
Includes network and cable TV, pay-per-view and on-demand TV
* Music videos, such as the ones you might find on music video channels
* Videos of live concerts, even if you captured the video yourself
Even if you took the video yourself, the performer controls the right to use his/her image in a video, the songwriter owns the rights to the song being performed, and sometimes the venue prohibits filming without permission, so this video is likely to infringe somebody else's rights.
* Movies and movie trailers
* Commercials

Seems like this particular video may not be good according to their stipulations. Music/Meryl Interviews. But you could look into other videos!

Spencer Jay Kim said...

Anything else I should be reading???