" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: crickets

Thursday, September 16, 2010


You may be reading this expecting huge news that Meryl Streep called but nope, not yet.  If it's any consolation to you, it was her wedding anniversary yesterday and there's the possibility that she's not in work mode.  Heck, she could take the whole week off, ya know?  Well, I'm sure I will hear something from someone but the when is the thing.  BTW, I only know it was her anniversary yesterday because the Streeper's invited me to a faux party on facebook, celebrating it.  Again, crickets.

I have been doing the reach out to some people with no replies just yet.  I finally do have all the quotes for the Press Release but even with the guidance from my web designer, could not edit the file.  Inda, my location contact for the P scene hasn't gotten back to me yet but I'm sure we'll talk today sometime.  Peter Sampson from the biggest and best green screen sounds very busy and although I've called twice I think I'm bugging the lady who answers the phone there so my next attempt will be a written one.

Went to the film commissioner's mixer last night.  Every time I attend one of those I come up with gold.  I always meet someone or hand out my card to the right person and BAM I've got myself another go to for editing or shooting.  I can never have too many options there.

So, I'm twiddling right now.  I finished Steven King's book, On Writing and have begun Rebel without a Crew by Robert Rodriguez.  Guess you could say I'm twiddling with a book in hand.

This Saturday I'll do some reuniting with high school friends and then on Sunday I'm going to do my photo shoot, in Ashtabula for my home town newspaper.  The article will be in Tuesdays Star Beacon.  Should be fun!


Jay said...

It's the calm before the storm. The awesome storm.