" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: Wow, two in one day.. rearranging the scenes

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Wow, two in one day.. rearranging the scenes

Remember the G scene?  Originally it was going to be The Bridges of Madison County but I couldn't get the casting together.  Then I toyed with the idea of shooting Prime but I couldn't find a woman to play opposite me so I went with The Fantastic Mr Fox which was never on my list at all.  It turned out to be a great decision because it was an animated scene and I think it broke things up very nicely.

Then, remember M was supposed to be for Marvin's Room?  Well, schedules did not sync up and I was under a pile of videos that needed to be created like the Kickstarter video and the video for the Radio show and the video of my Meryl interview.  It was suggested to me that I just make the Meryl interview the M slot but that put Marvin's Room in limbo.

If you're doing the math, that's two scenes that have replaced two other scenes that now must be squeezed back into the roster.  Make sense?  Here's my new list and I cannot promise that it won't be changed.  The two scenes that were cut?  The House of Spirits and The Seduction of Joe Tynan.  I don't miss them, no time for that.

P  Postcards from the Edge
Q Prime
R The River Wild
S  She Devil
T Music of the HearT or Bridges?
U HeartbUrn
V MarVin's Room
W SilkWood
X Out of Africa
Y The French Lieutenant's Woman or Bridges?
Z It's Complicated

Uh oh, one of these scenes will get bumped or I'll have to do a double feature ... YIKES!


Jay said...

I like it. From my new laptop.