" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: Light on the blog, heavy on the me time

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Light on the blog, heavy on the me time

The weekend was over and yesterday brought me audition notices, O scene details, and 3 contacts from Liz (PR).  She was able to talk to one of Meryl Streep's peeps!  I have yet to hear the details of the conversation but the upshot was that Liz was told to put it in an email.  So, she did.  Then she said she wants to set up another meeting with me.  I'm ready!  Any and all contact makes me smile so this is just one step closer.  More to come on that later.

Today I will stop by The Reel Thing and record a vo audition.  Tomorrow I will be going to my agent's and taping an on camera audition for a commercial in Pittsburgh.  To be honest, I know I have way more plans BUT my blackberry is no longer working and I don't have a real calendar so I'm like a balloon that was just released from a kids hand ... just floating all over the darn place and at any moment could get stuck in a tree or popped by a passing bird.  I really have NO IDEA what or where I'm supposed to be going or how many appointments I've recently missed.  That feeling, btw, is slightly unsettling but so be it.  That's what's happening right now.

I also heard from Andy yesterday.  Andy shot the J scene which I love and he shot the O scene which will be aired on the 14th of this month.  After we shot the O scene, he decided to try his hand at editing.  I know that sounds crazy to want someone who is inexperienced to have any part of this project but you have to know Andy.  He is a perfectionist. He has a great eye and would NEVER let anything go that was sub par so we all decided to give him a crack at it.  He determined, after a few hiccups along the way, that this was no time to learn and possibly hold up my project so he will be sending me the files and I'll need an editor for the O scene.  O is for OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, no worries, I'll figure it out.  He also shared that some of the footage was less than perfect and so he felt there was less to choose from in terms of takes.  Does this worry me? Nah.  Have we encountered worse? Far worse.  Do I have time to correct it all?  Yep, which is part of the beauty of getting things done early, as was the case for the O shoot.  It will all be good and as always I appreciate Andy's honesty and professionalism.  I just know it will be terrific.

So this means I need to scare up an editor who will allow me to hover.  I've had a few encounters where they attempt to do it without me and in every single instance I have a ton of changes and what was meant to speed up the process doesn't accomplish that at all.  Well, according to Andy, "take 3" was the best in the tight shot so we'll look at that first.  If I like it too, I'll encourage my editor who remains to be named, found, coaxed, badgered, to get most of the shots from that take.  Sound good to you?  It does to me.

I better go now.  Sheesh, I've got lots to do, that I know of and can only imagine what I'm missing!