" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: Oh what a night!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Oh what a night!

Lots of A to Z stuff happening and yet I have to tell you about last night for so many reasons.  I went to a coffee shop concert by The Jimmy and his son, Jonathan.  Their band's name is called "Circle of Silver" because their last name is Silver and if you really watch and listen to them play, you feel like you're in their circle.  That was a tremendous simplification of their name and the experience so allow me to elaborate.  Jimmy and Jonathan are not your typical father, son combo.  They have banter like you've never seen.  Sometimes Jimmy plays the part of the father and sometimes Jonathan does and it's all hilarious to watch.  They have one song called "Happy Song" and it really DOES make everyone in the room happy.  They laugh their way through it and it always gets me howling.  It's good for the soul, ya know?  I encouraged them to act exactly the way they do at home because their show is about the essence of THEM and it's what makes it unique.  So last night, every time they went off course during a song, or teased each other or whispered in front of the microphones, the audience was loving it.  I just know that is their winning combination.  I even suggested that they have a set break "music" that isn't music at all but just a recording of them fighting or talking with each other.  It's like a comedy show with music for the heart.  Oh well, we all know what everyone ELSE should do, don't we?

That reminded me on the way home though, that Jimmy has been pushing me all along to do more videos where I just stand there and talk extemporaneously about whatever because he thinks that's my gold.  What am I telling him to do?  The exact same thing. Here I've been doing Meryl Streep scene after depressing scene because let's face it, she has done a lot of serious movies but sometimes all anyone wants is to smile and laugh.  I'm no different.  So I will continue to do these scenes as we all know but when it's all said and done I will be sure to include lots of moments for YOU to laugh and be happy.

Now here are the stats.  I heard from The Star Beacon yesterday and did a phone interview with a writer there.  That's my hometown newspaper.  I will be driving to Ashtabula so they can take photos of me to go with the story.  You hear that, Mom?  Wanna come along?  I'm pretty sure they'll let you be there with me, if you feel like it.  I have a meeting with Liz (PR) tomorrow and we'll discuss our next step since she has made initial contact with Meryl's publicity folks.  I had a vo audition yesterday, and two auditions today (one vo and the other on camera).  I'm meeting with my writer buddy tomorrow to discuss the making of this blog into something one would love to read aka a book.  I'm meeting old friends tonight and did I say, I'm busy?  Yes I am and I love it.

As for the footage from the O scene, that should arrive by noon today.  I hope I'm able to view it so I can edit it in my own mind and make it simpler for an editor, who remains to be named.  Oh gosh, who will it be?  And what about the next location?  And now what movies will I be doing since we sort of eliminated one with the Meryl interview?  Oh my goodness, lots of decisions all while I'm busy.  I guess that's good so I can't dwell on them too much.  It will all be fine and if I get down, I will sing to myself the words to the Happy Song, "We've got some pizza here.  We've got some wine and beer. And we will sing our Happy Song!"


Terri said...

So cool you got see The Jimmy play. Did you take some pics of them? Would be good to have actual pics of them playing for their new website.