" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: Long weekend, short blog

Monday, September 6, 2010

Long weekend, short blog

Without much labor, I got through the holiday weekend.  I truly hope yours was a good one.  Mine was filled with food, friends and music so no complaints here.

What's up my sleeve for getting back to it?  Well, I need to forge ahead with getting a game plan together.  We are in the midst of approaching Meryl Streep's peeps but it's time I began my strategy with the other industry folk.  You know the ones, the people who hire actors.

Also, I think looking more seriously into the book option since I've already written SO much isn't a bad idea either.  Within a week, Mercury will no longer be in retrograde so communications should improve and I should have heard from The Ellen Show, Oprah or David Letterman.  That outta get the ball rolling.  Speaking of rolling, how did you like Cassie's eyes in the N scene?  I really love what both she and Julie Fogel did there.  If you haven't seen it already, check them out now!