" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: Lions and Tigers and Bears!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Lions and Tigers and Bears!

OH MY! Yep, that's what I really mean to say, oh oh oh MY! When we last tuned in, Meryl Streep's assistant had my materials. Those materials include my youtube channel, my blog, website and the adoption papers for my first born. OK, maybe not all of that but darn close. I've been in talks with well, everyone about my project and have one influential friend who has done some reaching out to Hollywood. The tentacles have stretched far and Meryl Streep's agent has now ALSO been contacted! UM, do you know what this means? We've now penetrated the fortress. We've crossed the moat. We've got the keys to Fort Knox. I think Meryl either already DOES or is right about to know about ME~ moi~ myself~ I~ Nancy T! Are you picking up what I'm putting down? Do ya get it? Close doesn't cover it anymore. A to Z with Meryl and Me is about to be part of her vernacular. OH MY!

This weekend has been amazing for so many reasons. First there's the above paragraph that lightly describes the wonder that's around me and then there's the personal fun I had. We all know how I feel about my fun, don't we???? We had our reunion and it was so nice to see everyone. The food was good. The catching up was great. I found it so interesting to hear what people do for work. I kept thinking and even said once, "you all sound so grown up". One owned some businesses, another traveled the globe, another put herself through law school and I'm still playing dress up! This isn't me talking myself down by the way. I just realized that not much has changed in terms of what I love and want. When I was little, I loved talking on my play phones. I loved playing dress up. I used to pretend I was different characters on TV. Now you tell me what has changed? Nada. And that's AOK with me.

Thank you to my Mama for letting me be her roomie for a day and a very special thanks to all of my old high school mates. What fun we had!


Jay said...

We're close. We're very close! Exciting!!