" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: Rescued this weekend

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Rescued this weekend

As you know, I wasn't looking forward to Labor Day weekend which would amount to no labor at all! My friend, Jimmy, rescued me. He invited me over to go for a hike, eat salad, and even listen to my very own concert by him and his son, Jonathan. Their band name is Circle of Silver and they kept me entertained.

My N scene has been doing pretty well. It's up to about 170 views and that's great feedback for a scene that aired on a holiday weekend and was not titled tricky, if you know what I mean. Do you know what I mean? Here's what I mean. Videos with generic names can often get quite a number of hits just because so many more peeps are searching for them which is some of the reason why my Best Trailer and Best Meryl Streep Interview did soooooooo well. Of course, I'm not discounting the fact that they are pleasant to watch but throw in a "cute puppy" in the title and oh my goodness! The N scene is called A Prairie Home CompanioN and even with that specific title is getting more views than a lot of my previous videos. Yippee, right? Yep! It didn't hit over 200 by 24 hours but it was around 160 at that time so not bad, not bad at all.

I guess I'll continue to post and wait for this LONG weekend to be over so I can meet with people and get auditions and ya know, get to A - Zing!

Happy Labor Day to you and to Meryl Streep who I'm quite sure is about to call me.