" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: N scene is for Nancy did What???? Oh NOOOOOOOO

Saturday, September 4, 2010

N scene is for Nancy did What???? Oh NOOOOOOOO

Today the N scene is online, everywhere of course because that's how I roll.  Anyway, it's from "A Prairie Home Companion" which is a film about a radio show.  In it Meryl was in a sister duet and she sang A LOT.  I do not prefer this type of music in the least so when I randomly selected this movie I was less than thrilled.  Two main reasons.  I do not like to sing in public anymore (those days are gone) and I thought most of the music was corny.  So I watched it and much to my surprise there were moments I truly enjoyed.  Most of them were off stage scenes but I liked them nonetheless.  So I had this idea to do a scene in the dressing room.  There were so many from which to choose and I knew of a great place where we could shoot it.  Still, it's all about facing the fear and doing what is uncomfortable so I decided to do a scene that involves singing a little bit.  It was a nice compromise I thought.  Wow, that's one long paragraph just to say I sang in the darn scene.  My hope is that people will talk through it, cough, wheeze or sneeze and miss that part.  I made sure it was good and short.  The REST of the scene, though, is terrific.  Julie Fogel is hilarious and perfect playing my sister.  Cassie Lynne Telzerow is spot on casting as my daughter and not just because she IS my daughter.  Her role is one of a disinterested, underwhelmed and slightly embarrassed daughter.  Guess you could say she was type cast.

So here it is the N scene:  http://www.youtube.com/nancytelzerow#p/f/0/piOioecBlXs


Terri said...

I don't know what I like best... your cool accents, your daughter's perfect "I don't care" attitude, the howling sing-a-long, or the belly laughter from you at the end that also had an accent! Love it! :)