" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: Today is a perfect day

Friday, September 10, 2010

Today is a perfect day

I had a meeting with Liz.  We discussed the approach to Meryl Streep's publicity peeps and suffice it to say, the plan of attack was hatched.  We then crafted a press release.  There are some quotes we still need to get but it promises to be an interesting read.

Then I met with my "book guy".  He further encouraged me to turn this blog into another four letter word that begins with B and I think it's a brilliant idea!  Hey, why not, right?  He has a point.  The writing is here.  The time line is all mapped out.  The ups and downs are recorded.  Someone would want to read it, I suppose.  As a side note, we had the most delicious lunch at a Thai restaurant called, Mint Cafe on Coventry. If you're ever out that way, go there.

While on Coventry I wandered into various stores and just felt great.  People were friendly.  All the store owners were helpful.  It felt like love ... all of it.  I was in the best mood ever.  Things were looking way up.

I had only one snag during the day but shook it off quickly when I returned home to a phone call from Liz saying that the assistant to Michelle, one of Meryl's PR peeps, wanted MORE information.  Woo hoo!  More information?  We've got THAT.  We've got that and more than more information.  One might even call it the most information.  Liz told the assistant she would return her email by Monday.  I offered to compose it so Liz didn't feel bogged down by the task right before her weekend.  Moments later, I sent it off to Liz and called her to confirm it's arrival.  So, there you have it.  Not sure if she will send it today but it's ready to go and it's all soooooooooooo exciting!  I also said  in the email that they should forward it to Michelle herself and Meryl and I included my phone number in case they want to call me. WEEEEEEEEEE! 

Yep, I'm on the top of the moon and no one's gonna rain on my love.  That's what it is!


Terri said...

Triple Awesome Nancy! Keep swinging on the moon as you reach for the stars.

Nancy T said...

Will do. It's all so exciting!

Jay said...

what an exciting day!