" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: Some A to Z items

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Some A to Z items

Today I must find a way to look at the files that were sent to me for the O scene.  I'm sure we'll find something good and if it turns out to be only one take that works due to a focus issue, as was anticipated by my shooter, then that's the take we'll use.  Forge ahead.  So, I need to see the stuff, get it edited and post it by or around the 14th of this month.  It actually can be done and that's not even aiming high provided I find an editor.  Oh, that little detail.

I also need to find a location and a common date for my next shoot, the P scene.  Wow, things are just swimming along, aren't they?  Dev mentioned being more free to get involved once again in October so perhaps he will shoot the Q scene!  It could all just fall into place, ya know?  That's how I see it anyway.

It's Saturday and I'm going to do the mundane.  I'll clean and run errands.  It's not fun but it must be done.  I wonder if Meryl Streep makes phone calls on Saturdays.  Today will be another awesome day.  Hugs to you all!


Jay said...

I'm gonna send you options tonight.